For You
Sing for yourself, and the world will listen.
You’ve heard people say ‘sing like nobody’s listening?’ Well they’ve got it all wrong. Instead, we’ll help you sing like you’re listening. Because, in reality, you’re the only person that matters – and if you’re happy with what you’re doing, that’s all there is.
All of these sessions are one-on-one with Darren, and they’re all about you. Enjoy.

Sing Out-Loud.
An hour of expression & connection.
Whether you just want a place, and a little guidance to help develop your range, or somewhere to sing your heart out and not have the cops arrive at your door, this is right up your street.
It could be a one off, or the beginning of something truly remarkable. It’s up to you.
Darren has spent over three decades helping people find their own unique voice, and this session will set you on the path to doing just that.
1:1 | Sing Out-Loud | 60 min
Resonance Management.
Bravery lessons for one and all.
If you’ve ever been told you can’t sing, or your vocalising has been shut down at some point in your life, this is the perfect session for you.
First of all you’ll be asked to just stop. Breathe. And be still for a few moments. Granted it seems an odd request for a vocal coach, but then we can start adding sound.
Gently engaging with yourself by humming softly, and moving through the vowels to discover the richness of tone, and depth in your voice.
By the end you’ll find that giving yourself permission to simply, be, is deeply inspiring and healing. In fact, some of our clients call these sessions their bravery lessons.
1:1 | Resonance Management | 75 min
Communicate with Confidence.
Finding your voice in business.
If you’re not communicating with confidence, then it doesn’t matter what you have to say. Your audience will remain unconvinced, and you’re wasting your breath. This session will help you, your team members or executives resonate effectively, stand out from the crowd and be truly heard.
Darren will help you overcome any fears you may have of public speaking, addressing emotional blockers and tapping into your authentic self.
It’s a simple, enjoyable and engaging session that will have you delivering speeches, pitches and briefings with confidence. Get ready to resonate. Get ready to blow them away.
1:1 | Your Voice In Business | 90 min
Exam Preparation.
Perfect HSC Vocal Majors.
There’s a lot going on in your last year of school, even without your final exams in the mix. And you only get one shot at your HSCs so if you want to give yourself the best chance of success, we can help.
Darren can help you relax as the pressure seems to rise, allowing you the comfort, and freedom to reach your full potential. Creating a series of sessions to compliment the work being done at school, and helping refine your repertoire as the final exams approach.
With over 25 years of experience (not 30..?) helping young Australians sing from their hearts, Darren will deliver inspiration, clarity and calmness to your final exams.
1:1 | Exam Preparation | 10 x 75 min
$300 each
For A Few
Join the choir, take on the world
Singing with friends is pure joy. Even if you’ve never done anything like this before, with a little guidance and direction we’ll turn your disparate voices, into a harmonious connection. And when many voices become one, you’ll feel you can take on the world.

Sing together.
A friends retreat you’ll never forget.
You, and up to eleven friends are invited to the Singing Space in the beautiful Southern Highlands for a weekend, where you can indulge in wine tours and exquisite dining, and three exclusive singing sessions with Darren Percival.
Together you’ll learn how to breathe, all over again. You’ll learn how to connect with your own voices, and then combine them into a harmonious outpouring of joy that will shake the rafters, and warm your heart.
Welcome to a weekend of connection, a weekend of voice and breath, a weekend you’ll never forget.
1:8-12 | Sing Together | 5 hrs Sat, 75 mins Sunday
$400 per voice
Grow Together.
A team building session like no other.
Alignment is one of the most important elements for an organisations success. And in this unique team building session with Darren Percival, you and your team will achieve a sense of harmony like never before.
Before long you’ll be singing from the same song sheet (literally!) and as many voices become one you’ll not only hear the connection and unity, but you’ll see it in everyone’s smiles too.
And if you have team members who might be a little unsure of the prospect, rest assured
Darren has a natural talent for putting people at ease, and creating the right atmosphere for everyone to relax, enjoy the experience and grow as a team.
1:20 | Grow Together | 4 hours
$400 per voice
Please note.
For those people that have survived traumatic experiences when vocalising in early childhood, adolescence
or their adult life, please book in for a 1:1 Resonance Management session with Darren prior to booking your ticket to the Sing Together Session.
We want you to sing with us.
During this 30 minutes Demo, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam